If you are considering a career as a Heavy Goods Vehicle (HGV) driver, you may have many questions about training, the job, and what your life will look like when you become a driver. This article aims to provide you with answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about HGV driver training.

Firstly, anyone over the age of 18 who has a full driver’s licence can train to become an HGV driver. The training will depend on which training school you choose, but most will have a mix of online, video call, and in-person training. The in-person training is usually conducted at the training school site, and driving practice is done in the surrounding areas.

To become an HGV driver, you will need to go through a 5-step process. The first step is to register for a course and receive your starter pack. This pack includes all of your license application and medical forms, along with access to an online theory revision portal. The next step is to attend a basic medical exam and send off the forms for a provisional HGV license. Once you have your provisional license, your training school will book your theory test for you and support you in your revision using their online tool. After you have passed your theory test, you will go through a 4-day intensive course with an experienced HGV instructor. Finally, your training school will guide you through your practical tests and get you on the road. They can even help you find a job once you are qualified.

There are technically 4 tests that you will need to take to become an HGV driver. There are 2 parts to your theory test (multiple choice and hazard perception), and there are 2 parts to your practical test as well. The time it takes to become qualified depends on the training school you choose. With Easy as HGV, it takes just 4 days, with their intensive courses designed to get you qualified and on the road quickly.

The exact cost of training to become an HGV driver depends on the course you choose. However, good quality HGV training does not have to be a huge investment, and Easy as HGV offers affordable courses.

The earning potential of HGV drivers has grown considerably over the last 10 years, and the average HGV driver with a C+E license can earn up to £32K a year. Easy as HGV can help you find the ideal HGV job for you, with a salary you deserve.

Finally, the Driver CPC is an essential part of being an HGV driver. You cannot drive without it. If you are not in possession of a Driver Qualification Card (DQC), you will need to take the Driver CPC initial qualification, which includes a theory test and a practical demonstration test. Once you have this qualification, you then have 5 years to complete your 35 hours periodic training locally to you. That’s just 7 hours per year. Since periodic training is ‘attendance only’, you cannot fail it.

In conclusion, HGV driving is a fantastic and rewarding career, and with the current driver shortage, it is also an essential one. Easy as HGV aims to make HGV training as simple and painless as possible for you. If you have any further questions about HGV training in general, or their training services in particular, the team would be happy to help. Browse through their license options or contact them today to find out more about how you can become an HGV driver